Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Cloud-related projects: when your backend is really based on cloud services?

A person in charge of the project leadership and finally project success should understand the meaning of cloud-based development project, as this is a really big point (although this game changer is already mature enough).


Due to the big hype for the last 5-7 years, we encounter the word "cloud" and projects related to "cloud services" development very often. In fact, big deal of such cloud-based projects are not about cloud at all. 

Sometimes backend is called "cloud services" just for the marketing purposes (yes, cloud is still cool), but this can be also a lack of understanding of what the "real cloud" means. You can meet a lot of developers (even experienced enough) that can say something like "cloud is actually nothing really different from the traditional client/server with backend in some virtualized infrastrucure (or even just Internet)". It is not like this, however.

When you really develop cloud services and the project is about cloud?

First of all, to be clear, by the "cloud services" I mean not the services CSP (Cloud Service Provider, like Amazon Web Services) provides to the consumers, but the services that represent the back-end of the system which really benefits from the cloud-based architecture. 

Does this mean that any services, being deployed to the public cloud (AWS, Microsoft Azure, etc.) or private cloud (based on OpenStack, etc.) are automatically becoming cloud services? Well, no. Only those services that can really use the cloud's nature are cloud services.

What is the cloud? I think NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) gives very good definition for this type of the infrastructure. According to this widely accepted definition. these are the essential characteristics of the cloud infrastructure (with my explanations):

  1. On-demand self-service. This means the cloud consumer should be able to perform all cloud provisioning actions without any help from cloud provider. This can be fully automated with different APIs or done manually through "service catalogue" (usually Web-based user interface).
  2. Broad network access. Stays for ability to consume the software services in the cloud using different types of clients through standard platform-independent protocols (it is not about broadband connection).
  3. Resource pooling. This is related to the fact that cloud infrastructure is shared among different "tenants" to optimize the utilization. This makes it efficient and usually is a big supporting point for the switch to the cloud infrastructure.
  4. Rapid elasticity. Truly great ability of the cloud to quickly grow the amount of provisioned resources for "tenants" when needed and to contract them when not needed any more.
  5. Measured service. This means in the cloud all resources are "commodities" that are standardized and consumption is measured (like electricity consumption).

Most significant enablers for the services developers there are "rapid elasticity", "broad network access" and "on-demand self-service", to my mind.

OK, how to use this knowledge?

It is important that the cloud is not just virtualized infrastructure, not just virtual machines, etc. This is highly automated, elastic, controllable, efficient environment that should be employed in a right way to benefit from it.

You'd better ask your System Architect, Lead Developer/Expert or other person in charge of the technical decisions in your team how your backend services are compatible with cloud-deployment scenarios, how they address scaling in the cloud, what are the interfaces to them that enable services consumption, how is cloud-backed automation levereged, and so on. 

Cloud services can make a real difference for the system/product you develop (especially in terms of scalability and automation) if this is really about using the features of the cloud infrastructure.

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